1998 Results :  1Q Consolidated Net Loss

1998 Statement of Income and Available Separate Consolidated Net Income

(Dollars in Millions Except Per Share Amounts)

  Three Months Ended March 31,
  1998 1997
Product sales $692.1 $683.2
Direct broadcast, leasing and other services 598.9 340.8

   Total Revenues 1,291.0 1,024.0

Operating Costs and Expenses
Cost of products sold 542.3 468.9
Broadcast programming and other costs 264.8 249.7
Selling, general and administrative expenses 302.6 222.0
Depreciation and amortization 97.7 50.3
Amortization of GM purchase accounting adjustments (1) 5.3 5.3

   Total Operating Costs and Expenses 1212.7 996.2

Operating Profit 78.3 27.8
Interest income 37.5 2.0
Interest expense (3.0) (15.1)
Other, net (34.3) (9.1)

Income from Continuing Operations Before    Income Taxes and Minority Interests 78.5 5.6
Income taxes 31.4 2.2
Minority interests in net losses of subsidiaries 1.3 14.2

Income from continuing operations 48.4 17.6
Income from discontinued operations, net of taxes - 1.0
Net Income 48.4 18.6
Adjustments to exclude the effect of GM purchase    accounting adjustments (1) 5.3 5.3

Net Earnings Used for Computation of Available    Separate Consolidated Net Income (2) $53.7 $23.9

Available Separate Consolidated Net Income (2) $14.0 $6.0

Net Earnings Attributable to General Motors  

   Class H Common Stock on a Per Share Basis (2) $0.13 $0.06

(1) Relates to General Motors' purchase of Hughes Aircraft Company in 1985.

(2) 1997 amounts are presented on a pro forma basis. Historically, such amounts were calculated based on the financial performance of former Hughes, which consisted ofthe defense electronics, automotive electronics and telecommunications and spacebusinesses. Since these financial statements relate only to the telecommunicationsand space businesses of former Hughes, the pro forma presentation is used to presentthe results that would have been achieved relative to the GM Class H common stock mhad the results been calculated based only upon such telecommunications and space businesses.

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