Latest News :  03/21/2002


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  HUGHES Electronics Corporation

DIRECTV U.S. to Substantially Exceed First Quarter 2002Expectations With Over 325,000 Net New Customers

Aggressive Cost Reductions Resulting in Strong EBITDA Performance

EL SEGUNDO,  CA. - March 21, 2002  - Hughes Electronics Corporation, the world's leading provider of digital television entertainment, broadband services, satellite-based private business networks, and global video and data broadcasting, announced today that it is updating first quarter 2002 guidance for its DIRECTV (R) service in the United States.

"Based on the quarter-to-date performance of DIRECTV U.S., weexpect to significantly exceed our guidance for net new subscriberadditions in the first quarter while also meeting our EBITDA targets,"explained Jack A. Shaw, HUGHES president and chief executive officer."Actions always speak louder than words -- and for several consecutivequarters now, we've recorded strong operating results and made good onour pledge to meet or exceed our commitments to our customers,shareholders and ourselves."

Roxanne S. Austin, DIRECTV president and chief operating officer,expanded on Shaw's comments: "Our revised first quarter estimate ofover 325,000 net new subscribers is a substantial improvement over ourguidance of 200,000 to 250,000. Additionally, the operational strategiesthat we have implemented, including an aggressive effort to reduce ourentire cost structure, are having the desired impact. This is best reflectedby DIRECTV 's first quarter EBITDA(1), which is expected to be withinour original guidance of $80 to $100 million, despite significantlyover-achieving our target for net subscriber additions."

A complete update of the full-year guidance for each of HUGHES'businesses will be announced in conjunction with the HUGHES firstquarter 2002 earnings release scheduled for April 15, 2002.

Hughes Electronics Corporation is a unit of General MotorsCorporation. The earnings of Hughes Electronics are used to calculatethe earnings attributable to the General Motors Class H common stock(NYSE: GMH ).

NOTE: Hughes Electronics Corporation believes that some of theforegoing statements may constitute forward-looking statements. Whenused in this report, the words "estimate," "plan," "project," "anticipate,""expect," "intend," "outlook," "believe," and other similar expressions areintended to identify such forward-looking statements and information.Important factors that may cause actual results of HUGHES to differmaterially from the forward-looking statements in this report are set forthin the Form 10-Ks filed with the SEC by General Motors and HUGHES.

(1)EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) is the sum of operating profit (loss) and depreciation and amortization.

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